Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Off we go...into the bush!

I should be sleeping, considering I only got three hours of sleep last night, but I am mixed with angst and excitement for my adventure to come! This is something that has never been done before. The Wallis clan...the Glaint, and the Wam, hitting the road for 5 whole days! We are going to see parts of the island that I haven't even seen yet. We are going to brave driving on the wrong side of the road. We are going to be in the same lanes as the taxis and country buses. Man, I am so excited. And scared. I hope we don't die. I am worried I am going to fall asleep on the road when I have to be alert at all times. Yes, I have an issue with falling asleep at the wheel, so sue me. But I am not even going to be driving! My dad is. I am just worried that the second I close my eyes will be the one time I will not be able to scream, "Left side left side!!!" and that is it and we will die.

Wish us safety and good travels! Hello Kingston, Lindsay, Taylor, Jason, Molly, and Dave! Woohoo!!!

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