Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I love sorrel, so do ants.

Today I wanted a treat and I was sooo thirsty so I went into the Hi/Lo and bought a large jug of sorrel juice. It is delicious and I am sad we don't have it in the states. I have had a few glasses throughout the evening and my last one was poured without enough attention. Apparently the glass had sat long enough to attract some mini ants and I filled it back up and began drinking before realizing that I was guzzling down creepy crawlers. I only noticed when the tickle in my throat felt unnatural and then gazed down to my glass to see several floaties. Had that happened when I first got here I would have flipped out. Now, it is barely blog worthy. I am only mentioning it because the only thing that really bothers me is that it didn't really bother me.

What is more important though is the sorrel aspect of this story. It has to be one of the best things I have been introduced to since coming here. It is a beautiful red flower and when you boil it it turns into this dark red juice. Add a little sugar and a little ginger and you have the best thing to touch your tongue since Andes Mints! I guess I satiated two cravings today. My sorrel and my fried dumpling! Jamaicans eat a lot of carbs and a lot of fried foods. The one really bad for me staple here that is served with many meals is the festival, or fried dumplings. They are basically biscuits that are super delicious and dangerously bad for you. I also cooked and prepared a delicious dinner (chicken lentil veggie stew with rice) only to eat peanut butter and jelly in a bowl. Sometimes you just have to go back to the basics. Plus, now I have lunch for tomorrow.

I am realizing that I am letting my life here stress me out. I am allowing my challenges to overcome me and affect my mood and behavior. I am looking forward to going home to the states and stepping away from here for a bit to get some perspective. I need to get positive again and appreciate all the opportunity I have to do something here. I have felt a bit in a funk as of late and I am not into it. It is not my thing. I need to get back to being the bubbly Tami I am at heart.

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