Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rescue Blues, New York New York, Firecracker

Here I am, Thursday morning. Taking my time (should be getting to work in 7 minutes) getting ready. Half the time no one is even there until almost 9:30. The culture of late. Now I make it a point not to get in until 9:30 or so. A girl can only wait outside her work for 20 minutes so many times.

The sun is out, not a cloud in the sky. I am sitting here listening to Ryan Adams, made some hot breakfast tea, and reheated my red bean soup for breakfast. Lots of hot things for such a hot place. I have learned that hearty stuff keeps me full longer. My red bean soup is just, well, red beans, water, callalloo, carrot, pumpkin, onion, and potato. Super easy, super good, and super good for me!

I have a friend coming into Negril today and I was going to try and get off early but just found out I have a 4pm meeting. YUCK.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO! It is my brother's 21st today. I have no way of getting in touch with him and I want to see what he is doing so bad! I hope he has a good time doing what 21 year olds do.

My 21st was awesome. It started simple at a pizza place, Kris bought me my first drink. An apple martini. It was soooo sweeet. Oh, and I had a pig shaped cake. It was awesome! So many people were buying me drinks. I don't even remember what all I drank. Me and my posse went from bar to bar to bar. I eventually was not allowed to go into the Shanghai Tunnel because the bouncer felt I was too intoxicated. I have never been denied entrance into anything! Naturally I started to cry and ran around the corner to call Jordan, my then long distance boyfriend. I eventually recovered and all was well. Until the next morning. Man, I am glad you only turn 21 once. Be careful and safe Rob.

Yesterday I turned in a grant for $100,000 USD. My supervisor procrastinated until the last minute again and I refused to help him scramble. I was not going to stress myself out again because he doesn't have his sh*t together. However, he came into the office yesterday and we were able to get it done and finish it up. The budget was intense and I rocked that mofo! Today I have to work on a proposal we are going to present to all the hoteliers at the Recycling Center to try and get them to give us some money. We need repairs. And a planning meeting for Earth Day.

Yes, it is another day in Jamaica.

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