Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Is the cup half full or half empty?

Market in Lucea, Hanover (pronounced Lucy)

There are two ways to look at yesterday.

1.) Little sleep happened. Stupid roosters at 2am. I could murder them, I really could, although I guess all I really fantasize about is finding them and kicking them, so maybe I wouldn't be able to kill them. A good kick. Stupid fucking roosters. On my way to work a car sped around Church Corner and narrowly missed plowing me down. I'm fine I say. Go about your day. Then, at the end of my day, a tour van (15 passenger) was coming in my direction at a very fast speed and swerved directly towards me for a head on collision with my face. There isn't even enough time for me to move. I am just frozen. Bracing for impact. At the last second the van swerves back onto the road. The last fucking second. I really thought I was going to die. Burger King was a bad idea for lunch. Immediate bloat. Very immediate heartburn. Dumb move Tami. Tired Day. Although I did not fall to the ground and start rocking in sheer panic from that last close call (which is what I felt like doing), instead I kept walking. That is all you can do. Just breath and keep walking...but the anxiety was built up in me. Which resulted in very little sleep last night again.

2.) Things are going really great at work. The meeting last week was a success and there is a lot of work to be done because of it. I got most of the UNDP interim report done for our grant. Very productive day. My co-workers were asking me for advice. I bumped into a Jamaican from up the street that I haven't talked to in a while and she remembered me and my name (cultural integration wohoo!). Got a key for the office so that I can work late if I need to. Privacy. I was praised for my work. I had dinner last night with some poeple and made some new aquaintences in town.

I like the second one. Sometimes, it is easy to pick all the shitty things that happen throughout every day because you can't escape it, but one of the most important things for my survival here, is being happy at work. Yesterday I was walking and thinking that I love it here. I meant that not like THIS PLACE IS AMAZING I AM SO HAPPY. More like, this place is so full of beauty and opportunity and I am learning. It is more like an appreciation love. I so appreciate this opportunity to come and learn. I am learning.


Jesse E. Hunter said...

Thanks for this. Yay for your key and for being alive to use it!

Too Much Tami said...

Thanks Jess. I never get feedback from my blog. Glad you are enjoying it.