Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ants 7, Tami 1,200. I win.

I think the ole ands and I are having a showdown. I am currently in the lead but I don't know for how long. I spray them, step on them, and sponge them away, but they get into my food, on my bed, in my freaking clothes! Mind you these are not the biting kind thank god. I kill so many of them and I didn't start feeling bad about it until last night. I was sitting on the bench outside my house with my friend Keith and a giant red ant was walking on the pathway and minding its own business. It wasn't trying to terrorize me or my food, but I saw it and just stomped on him. Immediately I recoiled and whimpered a little. When Keith asked what was wrong all I could say was "The ant was just being an ant." And then I started thinking about all the lives I have taken. Those poor ants. I am a mass murderer. Oh well. I guess they should have thought about that before getting into my shit.

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